Oxford University is made up of 43 colleges spread out across the city. Being a student at Oxford means you are a member of a college, as well as your subject’s department. Each college will have its own character and unique elements, but all have a porters’ lodge (staffed reception), dining hall, library, tutor’s teaching rooms, music rooms, laundry, green spaces, and a common room to socialise in.
MUN Behind-the-Scenes: Who is Our Undersecretary General for Logistics?
6 Oxford University Traditions That Will Surprise You!
Secretary General and Director General: Who Are They?
Who runs the conference? An introduction to the Secretariat
Recap and Overview
Points and Motions
Drafting Resolution Papers
Alright, a weekend of debate has gone by, what are you left with? If your debate has been productive, you should be left with a resolution paper. Simply put, a resolution paper is the whole point of the debate. Both in real life and in MUN, simply debating won’t get you anywhere, you need to take action to solve a problem. The debate is simply to clarify what type of action you want to take. Resolution papers are documents that delegates work on throughout the weekend, and details the actions that they, representing their countries, believe that the UN should take to solve the problem.
The Rules of Procedure: What are They?
So now you’ve done all of your research and you are ready to debate. You show up to the conference, sit through the opening ceremony in anticipation, and race to your committee room. You take a seat at the table with your placard on it. Now what? Since it’s the first time you are meeting the chair and your fellow delegates, the chair will probably get you to all introduce yourselves, maybe play some icebreaker games. The chair will then explain the rules of procedures again, just in case anyone is confused or wants clarifications. Then, the debate begins.
Preparing for an MUN Conference
Welcome to MUN! (2024 Edition)
Some of you might be veterans of diplomacy, experienced in negotiation and manipulation, with half a dozen conferences and maybe even a few certificates under your belt. To those of you, I say, welcome back! But for many others, this might be your first ever MUN conference. So, what exactly is Model United Nations?
OxfordMUN 2020 Best Position Paper, Press Committee: 'A Decade of Action'
Alex Matthew, representing The Guardian in the Press Committee at OxfordMUN 2020, won the Best Position Paper award for his paper ‘A Decade of Action’.
Decade of Action
“It's not that I’m so smart. But I stay with questions much longer” - Albert Einstein. This quote
sums up all the discoveries that the human species has acquired over millions of years; from the
discovery of fire to the light bulb, the theory of relativity and now artificial intelligence, we have
made it all happen. But for all of this to ever have happened, humans had to question and for us
to question, we had to learn. The process of one's learning has evolved and changed heavily
during its long and heavy course but one thing still remains constant - there is no learning
without education. For everything that us humans have discovered, there was always a bit of
education involved. But the sad truth is there are still people that do not have access to any
source of proper education. Roughly over two hundred million children and teenagers do not
attend school, which is more than the population of every country that is not named China, India,
Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan or The United states of America. What makes this statistic worse is
that a large amount of these children are from sub-Saharan Africa and with the current pandemic,
at least five hundred million people do not have the financial stability to afford or gain access to
education. Therefore making this the prime objective of change for the UN.
As of 2015, 91% of all children have been able to be enrolled in educational institutions in
developing countries. Though this might be seen as an astonishing achievement, the remaining
nine percent can be translated to almost fifty seven millions primary-education aged children
with almost half of them being from the sub-Saharan desert. This is exacerbated as one in four
girl children do not have access to education. Reasons for their restriction to knowledge include
child marriages, lack of funding, early pregnancy and even due to the fact that they simply are
girls as many families in the African continent do not encourage their studies. And for all this to
reduce to the point where there are no more education deprived children, The United Nations has
to make big leaps to provide education for these families. Though this might seem like a mighty
task, we have previously witnessed some miracles performed by the UN and therefore this
sustainable goal is not far-fetched.
During recent years, The United Nations were making amazing progress in supplying education
to once education restricted children. But then things took a turn for the worse as the rise of the
Corona Virus and the disease it carried - Covid 19 - to rain down a pandemic and a global
lockdown. This was a heavy blow to the progress the UN made as students were not allowed to
be in physical contact with each other and therefore the medium of school cannot be risked
opening. This has caused an uprise in the number of children out of school and that is estimated
to be more than five hundred million. The pandemic has led to 90% of all students to be kept
outside schools which in turn causes them to lose years of quality education (the knowledge they
acquire might be accurate due to online learning).
Education, in my opinion, is one of the most crucial elements we humans can gain access to, as
the benefit of proper education results in a variety of amazing gifts. Goal number four, of the
United Nations sustainable development goals, is one of the very few goals that when achieved
can simultaneously help achieve other goals which include reduction of poverty, gender equality
and climate change. Education is a key priority that once achieved will help an individual to earn
wages, have basic knowledge of almost everything and recognise the rights and wrongs in
society. The need for gender equality and community that strives for it have been a very
demanding one, and educating children at a young age can help them acknowledge these rights
as well as eradicate the existence of many stereotypes that have been made by society and
culture. And now due to this global crisis named ‘ The Covid Outbreak’, the need for knowledge
is specially required, not only for the discovery of a proper vaccine, but also the common
understanding of the virus and how this knowledge helps to restrict ourselves from becoming
victims to this monstrosity of a disease.
The need for education and public accessibility of it has been a prime target of The United
Nations ever since its existence and they have been working towards it from day one. But there
are still millions of children that are still illiterate and therefore this must be the United nations
most important objective as education not only provides understanding, but also opportunities for
children, that later open up more opportunities for the future generation which we will one day
have to rely upon and for this we have to strive individually and as a larger body.
Alex Mathew ,
The Guardian
How to Succeed at an Online MUN Conference
SDG 17: Partnership for the Goals
The last global goal is to promote cooperation among nations in order to reach all the goals set out by the global community. While reaching all the other goals includes overcoming numerous challenges, achieving goal 17 does not only mean that the other targets need to be fulfilled, but also that all nations cooperate closely to advance progress on an international level.
5 Mistakes to Avoid as a First-Time Delegate
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
The sixteenth global goal is to promote peaceful and just societies. While reaching this goal includes overcoming numerous challenges, the global community can still achieve its goal set out until 2030. This involves promoting the rule of law and human rights as well as reducing violence and all crimes relating to it.
SDG 15: Life on Land
The fifteenth global goal is to protect life on land and ensure biodiversity and conservation. While reaching this goal includes overcoming numerous challenges, the global community can still achieve its goal set out until 2030. This involves drastically increasing measure taken to protect biodiversity and focusing more on implementing the ideas set out in international agreements.
A Brief History of Model United Nations
The original MUN delegates at Oxford University in 1921 could scarcely have conceived of an OxfordMUN conference taking place virtually almost a hundred years later. Therefore, as Model United Nations looks towards a future of increased digitisation and global outreach, now is the perfect time to look back at the rich history of the community.
SDG 14: Life Below Water
The fourteenth global goal is to protect marine life and increase ocean sustainability. While reaching this goal includes overcoming numerous challenges, the global community can still achieve its goal set out until 2030. This involves drastically decreasing water pollution and setting active measures to achieve a more sustainable world.
SDG 13: Climate Action
The thirteenth global goal is to set specific steps in order to make our society more sustainable and through that protect our environment. While reaching this goal includes overcoming numerous challenges, the global community can still achieve its goal set out until 2030. This involves drastically decreasing pollution and setting active measures to achieve a more sustainable world.