Who runs the conference? An introduction to the Secretariat

Maria Sticlea, Undersecretary General for Logistics

Now that you’ve hopefully gained a better understanding of how our conference will work and what your delegate experience will be like, it’s time to introduce ourselves! 

As the Secretariat for this edition of OxfordGlobal MUN, we run the conference. We make sure that everything goes smoothly for you, organise the delegate socials and all the other events during the conference, appoint and train the chairpersons, prepare all the conference materials…and all the other work that goes on behind-the-scenes that makes the conference possible!

The Secretariat is split into multiple roles and each person will be introducing themselves in a later blog post as well, and on our Instagram account, but the following is an overview of each of the roles and what they entail:

The Secretary-General, or SG, leads the Secretariat. They assign tasks to the other Secretariat members, make sure that our preparations run smoothly, and are in charge of the entire conference. They are aided by the Director-General, or DG, who acts as their right hand, but is also in charge of running the more academic aspects of the conference. 

Most of the other Secretariat members are called USGs, or Under-Secretary-Generals, other than our Executive Support member. Executive Support helps us on the administrative side of organising the event, from liaising with businesses to helping us run communications; being someone with previous experience organising conferences, they can jump in to make sure any problems are solved as they come up, and that the conference is successful.

We have 5 USG roles, each responsible for a different aspect of the organising process. Some of the USG positions are filled by multiple people:

The USG for Logistics, as the name suggests, helps with the logistics of the conference. They also coordinate our Chairs and Volunteers, including their selection, training, and organisation during the conference days.

The USGs for Content take care of any written materials that you have access to, especially the rules of procedure documents and background guides, and work with the Chairs to develop interesting topics and debates for committee sessions. They make sure that all the written materials you receive are helpful and well-written, and also run this blog series.

The USG for Community organises keynote speakers for the conference, runs the delegate social, and generally works to liaise with local schools and provide assistance to delegates.

The USGs for business take care of all business-related aspects of the conference, including reaching out to businesses to create partnerships and making sure that all our outsourced materials are of high quality. They also run our social media accounts, and help with communications with schools, delegates, and companies through our social media profiles.

Finally, the USGs for Delegates ensure that you have a great experience here at OxfordGlobal MUN! They manage the recruitment drive to get schools involved, communicate with schools, and are responsible for creating a safe environment for you during the conference.

Other than the Secretariat members, there are a few other crucial roles involved in running the conference: your Chairpersons will be running your committees and ensuring the flow of debate runs smoothly, and the Logistics Support and Committee Support help us keep the conference going, offering the committees support and helping us out to make sure that you have everything you need!