Fun Things at OxfordMUN

Jo McCloy, Secretary General

We are already looking forward to welcoming you all to Oxford in November! While our previous blog posts explained our Rules of Procedure (RoP), this one is about all the things that make OxfordMUN OxfordMUN, the little things that are fun side quests. 


Each year at our conference, delegates can get a carnation for a fellow delegate and send it to them with a note! Carnations are the flowers that Oxford University students wear on Exam days: for the first exam, you wear a white carnation on your academic dress; any exam after the first one requires a pink carnation; and on your final day of exams, you wear a red carnation. 

This way, you can tell by the colour of the carnation where fellow students are in their exam cycle. We want you to be part of the Oxford spirit in that sense: you can get white carnations on the first day of the conference, pink carnations on the second day, and red ones available on our last day! 

Carnations are now a tradition at OxfordMUN, and we cannot wait to deliver your carnations and notes to fellow delegates across all committees! 


Towards the end of the conference, during our last committee session, when you are working out the last details of the draft resolutions and moved to vote - once the session is adjourned for the conference, it is time for FunMUN.

What is FunMUN, and why are we doing it? At the end of the conference, before moving to the closing ceremony and official awards, it's time for you as a committee to say your goodbyes and appreciate your fellow delegates. Who is the most likely to become President? Who is the best speaker? Who is most likely to throw a shoe while giving a speech? 

It might not be these exact Fun Awards, but it is all about recognising and appreciating the committee, its members, and your dais. Then, it is customary to sign each other’s placards! You use your placard during the conference to indicate attendance, raise it if you wish to speak, and use it as a medium of communication. At the end, delegates sign each other’s placards to take home memorabilia!

Delegate Social 

One of the most anticipated events of our conference is the delegate social at the Natural History Museum in Oxford. Imagine partying among dinosaurs, with lights, music, and refreshments creating the perfect atmosphere for socialising with your fellow delegates. It's a unique and exciting way to unwind and recharge after two days of intense conference sessions. 

Our team is already hard at work, preparing for an unforgettable conference weekend. We're excited to bring you these unique OxfordMUN experiences and can't wait for you to be part of it. Stay tuned for more updates! 

These three are a mere overview of OxfordMUN's offerings, and we are excited for you to experience them all!