How to Succeed at an Online MUN Conference

This year, OxfordMUN is moving online. The committee understands that for many delegates adjusting to online MUN will be a challenge, which is why we've put together a list of tips and tricks that will help you to succeed at our virtual MUN conference.

Work in a quiet room

In order to focus on the debate taking place in your committee, it is important that you are able to work in a quiet room that is free from distractions. If this is not possible in your home environment, make sure to use headphones in order to cut out as much outside noise as possible. 

Keep water and snacks nearby

Staying hydrated and energised is crucial to performing your best at a MUN conference. Before your committee session begins, make sure you have water and maybe even some high-energy snacks nearby, so that you are able to maintain your concentration levels throughout the debate. 

Write your notes by hand

Consider writing your notes by hand or printing out any research that you have conducted online. This will allow you to keep your laptop or tablet dedicated to the committee session and will prevent your screen from becoming overcrowded with different tabs.

Block distracting websites and turn off your phone

When participating in an online MUN conference, it can be easy to get distracted by social media. However, doing so will severely restrict your ability to engage with the debate of your committee and have a rewarding MUN experience. Close all tabs that are not related to the conference, and consider using a website blocker if you anticipate that you will struggle to stay on track. 

Do some exercise

Sitting in front of a screen all day can be very damaging to your mental and physical health. During the scheduled breaks, we recommend going for a quick walk or doing another form of exercise in order to relax. This will provide you with a chance to get away from the screen and stretch out tired muscles.

We hope these tips will help you to make the most of this year’s unique OxfordMUN conference. Good luck!