Venture through the wardrobe into the magical world of C.S. Lewis, as delegates encounter Narnia as its inhabitants. As members of the First Narnian Council, delegates will be tasked with shaping the future of Narnia within the first few hours of its making to discuss the fight between good and evil.

How big will this committee be? This will be a medium-sized committee.

How much experience do I need to sign up for this committee? This committee is designed for delegates who are familiar with MUN. This committee is an excellent choice for delegates who have previously only debated in traditional conferences before and are looking for a chance to explore the crisis side of MUN.

How much will I have to speak in this committee? Due to the medium size of this committee, delegates should expect to speak a moderate amount in each committee session. This committee is designed so that delegates can vary the amount of time they choose to speak based on how confident they feel and whether they want to step out of their comfort zone.

How will debate be structured in this committee? This committee will follow our standard Rules of Procedure, with crisis elements included.